- There is more than 4 weeks of summer. Try 12 weeks.
- Good and service are only slightly more than the Seattle Area. Gas has stayed around 2.70 - 2.89 pert Gallon
- The Average snowfall is around 4 feet Per year. It just Stays.
- It Does get to -45 Degree in January Febuary and March
- There is a Spring and fall Season.
- You can get fresh vegetables up here.
- There is No State Income tax. Though Car tabs and other fees are Higher.
- People Tend to be very community oriented . But Like to keep to themselves.
- Alot of people do live subsistently(Hunting Fishing and Farming). But I would say no more that 1/3 of the people.
- Time is different up here. People look at seasons rather than months. Winter is a time getting ready for summer and Summer is used to get Ready for Winter.
I love the fact that we are in a Place where animal population are greater than People. No traffic Jams. The pace is constant Not Hurried. It is Home
In Gods Grace