Backwoods Home Magazine

Backwoods Home Magazine - practical ideas for self-reliant living
A Webcomic about Freedom

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

To all the Family, Friends and People We Love. May God Bless you and your family.
The Big Kahuna

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Freedom Something to be Responsible For

Political freedom is the absence of interference with the sovereignty of an individual by the use of coercion or aggression. The members of a free society would have full dominion over their public and private lives. The opposite of a free society would be a totalitarian state, which highly restricts political freedom in order to regulate almost every aspect of behavior. In this sense ‘freedom’ refers solely to the relation of men to other men, and the only infringement on it is coercion by men.

We were free from our first breath. What more true word to live by.........

I had a very interesting conversation with a Seventeen year old Women. She and I always have very good conversations. But this one amazed me. We began by talking politics. Which then turn to the Constitution. She made a statement that floored me. She said that in one of her classes the were discussing the validity of the Constitution and how the wording of the Constitution can be manipulated to advance any agenda because of how Vague it is.

the first amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

What can be manipulated here? What is Vague? Most People will list this at one of the most important. But do we forget that there is Nine more that our founding Fathers felt necessary for them to enact into our Constitution.
Lets Look at them.

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression
Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms
Amendment 3 - Quartering of Soldiers
Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure
Amendment 5 - Trial and Punishment, Compensation for Takings
Amendment 6 - Right to Speedy Trial, Confrontation of Witnesses
Amendment 7 - Trial by Jury in Civil Cases
Amendment 8 - Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Amendment 9 - Construction of Constitution
Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People

These ten were of course called the " Bill of Rights "

These were also written by White Christian Slave Owners? So they have no Validity? RIGHT??????? They are Archaic words on An Archaic Document. They have no place in our race towards Nationalism. Towards Globalism. RIGHT?????????????? How could we ever be so wrong.

These Rights are not guaranteed because of some piece of paper. These Rights are not GIVEN to us by our government. They were not given to us 200+ Years ago by a group of Men. These rights are not just for the United States. These rights are the PERSONAL Responsibilities of every man, Women and Child to take and uphold. These rights are interconnected. When one is taken and "Interpreted". Others will soon be "Interpreted" changed and determined for us. That is were personal responsibility starts.

Personal Responsibilities in this day and age is something of a bitter pill.

People say that they want Freedom. They Want change. But what is the cost. What is the Responsibilities of that freedom. of that change. Maybe we should look back to What our Founding Father Wrote. Start teaching our kids that they were free from there first breath. That no one rules a free person but there Divine Creator and Themselves.

It is our Belief that determines our Responsibilities. It is our Responsibilities that create Change. It is Change that leads to freedom.

The Big Kahuna

Sunday, November 09, 2008

A Post Election Comentary From

Check Out the web address.

As Most people know by now I am no Obama fan. I was not a fan of the MCpalin Camp Either. Both Canidates offer no positive change. I am tired of voteing for the lesser of two evils. People need to see that we see two sides of the same coin when it come to the democrats and republicans. They want the same thing. To make you dependent and so greedy that no one will oppose them.

The Big Kahuna


Quote of the Day: "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." -- William Shakespeare

Subject: Not your usual post-election commentary

The media describes every election as historic, the most important in a generation, etc. When the voting is done they tell us a new era has dawned, that things will change, that nothing will ever be the same, blah, blah, blah.

One aspect of these claims is true, this time. It is both historic and meaningful that the United States has elected its first African-American president. We applaud and celebrate this. We think the significance of this event transcends mere symbolism. Otherwise, the election was what all other elections have been . . .

" . . . a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Can we support this harsh assessment? Consider . . .

The election thoroughly repudiated the Republican Party. They lost the White House in a landslide, and got clobbered in Congressional races. We might assume from this, if elections really produced change, that many Republican policies of the last eight years will be reversed. We predict that almost none of them will be.

The Republicans were responsible for . . .

* Enacting the largest new entitlement in decades -- the prescription drug program
* Passing social engineering schemes like "No Child Left Behind"
* Starting an un-provoked war
* Gutting constitutional liberties
* Running-up vast deficits

Will the Democrats reverse any of these actions? Sadly, we think the answer is "No." What, then, was the point of the election?

Was it merely to punish the Republicans while leaving their sins uncorrected? Was the purpose to give the Democrats permission to pursue all of their own pet projects for social engineering, and to spend, spend, spend to their hearts content?

Undoubtedly this last item is the message Democratic politicians will claim they heard. After all, they received a mandate, and if the mandate was not to pursue their dreams then the word has no meaning.

Of course, some voters can say, "Don't blame me, I voted Libertarian . . . or for the Constitution Party . . . or the Greens." Didn't these voters, at least, send a clear message about what they want?

We think not.

What does the average person assume when he or she sees third party candidates listed in his newspaper with tiny vote percentages next to their names? We think he or she assumes that . . .

"Those are fringe candidates with fringe ideas that no one supports. Therefore, I need not consider what they have to say."

The system is rigged against third parties. This guarantees low vote totals for those parties. It also guarantees that the ideas those parties represent will always be viewed as marginal.

Third parties don't promote ideas, they marginalize them!

Oh yes, we know all about the exceptions, like the Socialists and the Progressives, both of whom had ideas adopted by the major parties. But please notice, those ideas made the politicians, and even tax-funded intellectuals in the school system, MORE POWERFUL. That's the real reason those ideas were adopted; it wasn't because the Socialists and the Progressives managed to score a few points on Election Day.

So what does voting for partisan candidates actually accomplish? What does it communicate? As far as we can tell the answer is nothing, except that . . .

It gives the victims of the con game -- the American people -- an illusion of control. But we have no control -- no say so.

Voting in the partisan electoral contest merely gives sanction to the con-artists who constantly victimize us. That's the role of the voter, to sanction what the politicians do. That's it. It's like Emma Goldman said, "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."

Is this the way you want things to be?

The ways of the future do not lie in the ways of the past. The ways of the past involved hoping the new boss would be different than the old boss. But many decades have come and gone, and the new boss has always been the same as the old boss. We should abandon the old ways and adopt new ways.

The way to a better future lies in withdrawing our consent and issuing direct orders to our supposed public servants. Votes send confusing signals. But plain talk is rarely misunderstood.

The new way involves building a new social force with the power to make public servants miserable. Withdraw consent. Issue orders. Make the public servant submit.

The politicians are busy right now convincing themselves that the public wants top-down, centralized, Democratic social engineering. Who can disabuse them of this notion? After all, the votes have been cast. The people have spoken.

Only YOU can disabuse the politicians of their self-serving interpretations of inarticulate votes. The Republicans were repudiated. Therefore, the things the Republicans did must also be repudiated. This should be the mandate for the new Congress. Fortunately, we have a vehicle for doing just that . . .

Ron Paul's "American Freedom Agenda Act" would repeal a good chunk of the bad things the Republicans did. Use our Educate the Powerful system to ask your elected representatives to pass this bill.

Use your personal comments to tell your elected representatives that the Republicans were repudiated, therefore the things the Republicans did must also be repudiated

Friday, November 07, 2008

Salute Yourself

This is oh so Relevant. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Big Kahuna