Backwoods Home Magazine

Backwoods Home Magazine - practical ideas for self-reliant living
A Webcomic about Freedom

Sunday, May 20, 2007

So much for the 24.95 digital camera

Okay, So it broke already.Major Bummer. So we are back to the cell phone thing for now.I hope to post some pics from the cell phone later today/tomorrow of our trip to the park yesterday.I need Jason's help with that.

Things are going all right otherwise. The girls and I are having a bit of trouble adjusting to the , it never gets dark thing. It's only been doing this about 2 weeks, so I know it will get better.And I seem to be getting bit the most by the mosquitoes. Big surprise there seeing as I have always been a magnet for them.

We are seeing lots of Moose, Rabbits and Birds these days. And the weather has been great.Only rained on 2 occasions since we have been here. A big change from Washington springs. We have also noticed the sun is way more intense here. Just seems a lot brighter.

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